Canine Preventive Care to Keep Your Dog Healthy and Happy!

Physical Examination:

▪ A comprehensive physical examination is suggested on an annual or semi-annual basis. Just as with people, a physical examination is the most important component of an office visit, allowing the veterinarian to completely examine your pet and discuss any medical problems found. All systems are checked including teeth, heart, lungs, ears, eyes, and skin.

Vaccinations are recommended based on prior vaccine history, age, health, and risk factors.

▪ Rabies Vaccination: A vaccination that is required by the state government annually or triennially for both dogs and cats. Approximately 30,000 people die from rabies worldwide, but only about 3 are in the U.S. because of strict rabies vaccination requirements. Continued vaccination is the only way to protect the human population. The first Rabies vaccination must be boosted in a year, thereafter we vaccinate every 3 years. A county tag is required by law to be purchased annually.
▪ Canine Distemper Combination Vaccination (DHPP): A vaccination for dogs that protects against Distemper, Hepatitis, Parainfluenza, and Parvo. All are highly contagious viruses and can be fatal. It is given every 1 to 3 years after the initial series.
▪ Bordetella Vaccination: Bordetella vaccine is given to dogs that may be in the vicinity of many other dogs, such as boarding facilities, groomers, and training classes. Bordatella is one of many agents that can cause “kennel cough”. It is given annually.
▪ Leptospirosis: Leptospirosis is a bacterial infection that may cause kidney and liver failure. It is transmitted mainly by wild animals. It is recommended for dogs that live in rural areas.

Parasite Control–Monthly heartworm and flea prevention is recommended for all dogs!

▪ Intestinal Parasite Analysis and Deworming Medication: Regular microscopic examination of your pet’s stool should be done every 6-12 months for early detection and treatment. People can get roundworm and hookworm infections from their pets. The Centers for Disease Control estimate that 10,000 children annually become infected by worms from animals. If your pet screens negative for intestinal parasites, a broad-spectrum deworming medication is recommended because adult worms may not be shedding eggs in the stool and would be
undetectable. If your pet tests positive, additional deworming medication will be prescribed. Puppies should be dewormed at 2,4,6,8, and 10 weeks of age for roundworms and hookworms.
▪ Heartworm Testing and Prevention: Heartworm disease is transmitted by mosquitos. Both indoor and outdoor dogs are at risk. Dogs may develop heart and/ or breathing problems or sudden death. Prevention is best. Early detection of infection with this deadly parasite can help maintain the health of your pet. Testing is recommended after 6 months of age and annually thereafter.
▪ Flea and Tick Control: Fleas can also cause a number of severe problems, including allergic dermatitis caused by the saliva of the flea bite. Fleas can also spread other diseases, such as tapeworms and hemobartonella.

Wellness Screenings:
▪ Adult (1-6) Wellness Screening: Recommended annually to screen your pet for anemia, infection, liver disease, kidney disease, and diabetes. Many diseases can be treated successfully if caught early. Once symptoms occur many diseases require much more intensive care, have a lower chance of success, and cost much more to treat.
▪ Senior (7+) Wellness Screening: Blood and urine screening is recommended yearly on pets seven years or older which helps detect many of the problems caused by aging (kidney, liver, heart, heartworm disease, thyroid, diabetes, bladder infections, etc.). Many diseases can be treated successfully or controlled if caught early. Once symptoms occur, many diseases require much more intensive care, have a lower chance of success, and cost much more to treat.

Suggested websites for information on behavior, training, and medical problems: